2019 Lilly Endowment Community Scholar Chosen
The Parke County Community Foundation has announced the results of the Lilly Endowment Community Scholar Award selection process. Riverton Parke High School senior Britany App has been awarded a four-year full-tuition scholarship to any accredited Indiana college or university.
Britany is the daughter of Kyle and Amy App of Montezuma. She plans to attend Franklin College to pursue a degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences. Britany is a member of the volleyball, basketball, and track and field teams, Student Council, and Spell Bowl team. She is also a member of the Helt Township Volunteer Fire Department. Britany currently is ranked 2nd in her class with a 4.189 GPA.
Of the award, App stated, “I’m absolutely speechless. This is a huge honor! I hope that I can use the Lilly award to make my community and family proud as I look for a cure for autism in honor of my little brother Tyler.”
In addition to tuition, the scholarship includes an annual stipend of $900 to cover the cost of required books, equipment and fees. The Lilly Endowment Community Scholar was nominated from numerous applications submitted. The Foundation utilizes a scholarship selection sub-committee comprised of individuals not associated in any other capacity with the Foundation. Finalists for the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship are then forwarded to Independent Colleges of Indiana (ICI) for final selection. Independent Colleges of Indiana is a non-profit corporation that represents 30 regionally accredited degree-granting, non-profit, private colleges and universities in the state and is the statewide administrator of the scholarship program.